Homeschool Weekly & Daily Schedule Planner Free Printable Template

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Are you looking to get a little more organized for your homeschool year? Here is a free printable homeschool schedule planner  –  includes weekly and daily schedule templates along with weekly and daily routines & to-do lists! Great for multiple kids and for mom to stay organized! Keep reading to check out the free PDF download & more back-to-school resources!

homeschool schedule planner free printables with 6 pages, 3 colors, with weekly and daily routines, schedules, and to-do lists, for multiple kids and families

Our Homeschooling Story

We are just starting our second year of homeschooling. Truth be told, homeschool was never part of the plan for educating my twin sons.

I was a high school English teacher at a Christian school for 14 years, and I always assumed my kid would go to the same school that I taught at.

Until we moved to Tennessee.

Our district has a fantastic public school, and I began subbing at the high school when we moved here. Then, I assumed that the boys would go to our public school while I taught in the high school.

Until Covid hit.

Our boys were set to start kindergarten in the fall of 2020, the height of the Covid pandemic. Without getting too off topic, let’s just say that after their first year in kindergarten and into their 2nd year at public school for 1st grade, it became really clear that this just wasn’t for us.

So, I made plans all that spring to pull them out and start homeschooling them in 2nd grade.

I wrestled and fought, but my faith in God truly was bigger than all of my reservations. I genuinely trust Him that if this is what He was asking of all of us, He would guide our path.

And He has.

That’s not to say it’s been a walk on clouds and over rainbows. We struggled quite a bit that first year. But I learned a lot and hopefully the boys learned something, and we are getting ready to start year 2.

daily routine and to do list for homeschool planner

Organizing Your Homeschool Year with Printable Planners

I know every homeschool family is different and approaches homeschooling differently. Personalities and learning styles of the kids as well as personalities and teaching styles of the mom are all major factors in figuring out what works.

For our family, our boys are not huge fans of school and just want to get finished as soon as possible. My background is teaching high schoolers, so I pretty much feel the same. 

So, we like to take a simple approach, get done what we need to get done, try not to make things too intense or overly rigorous, and then get on with our lives.

The planners you’ll see today should work for just about any end of the teaching and learning spectrum.

These are designed to help you plan and organize your day and routines – they are not specifically designed for lesson or curriculum planning.

homeschool planners in 3 colors on desk with keyboard and clipboard That being said, let me share a few highlights.

What’s Included in This Free Printable Homeschool Schedule Planner

Before I get into the specifics of each page, I’ll fill you in on a few unique aspects.

These are designed to be used for moms, families, and individual kids, and they are color-coded as such. 

All of the pages come in pink for girls, blue for boys, and yellow for families or just for mom. printable homeschool planner in blue for boys for multiple kids


printable homeschool planner in pink for girls for multiple kids


printable homeschool planner in yellow for whole family or mom There are weekly and daily SCHEDULES with specific times throughout the day.

You can print out individual schedules for multiple kids to have their own – or you can just print one out for the entire family, depending on how complicated your schedules are.

There are also daily and weekly ROUTINES in each color, in case using specific times is just too rigid. {That’s the one I’d use for my family – we follow routines more than we do specific times}.

There are also weekly and daily TO-DO LISTS. Again, you can print one out for each child, or just one for the entire family. Or mom can also have her own lists.

That’s a total of 6 pages per color, however you want to break it up, with a grand total of 18 pages included. homeschool planner printable pages, schedules and routines for boys, girls, family, mom in pnk, yellow, blue OK, let’s take a look at each of the 6 pages, so you can get an idea of what you want to use.

Daily Schedules

Daily homeschool schedule with times in pink, blue, yellow free printable for multiple kids These pages can be printed and used as a family schedule (yellow), if your family follows the same schedule all day long. 

You can also print off individual pages in pink and blue for multiple kids, if each child’s routine differs just a little bit.  

Weekly Schedules

Weekly homeschool planner schedule with individual times for each day free printable in pink blue and yellow for multiple kids If a daily schedule feels like too much to print out each day, you may opt for the weekly schedule.

It has spaces for each hour of the day, just like the daily schedule, but you can see the entire week at one glance.  

Daily Routines

daily homeschool routine printable planner with morning, afternoon, evening slots in pink, blue, yellow. Free printable for multiple kids and family Maybe an hourly timed schedule is too much for your family. It is for us.

You may like using a daily routine schedule.

Here, there’s flexibility in laying out blocks of time – morning, afternoon, evening. There are no specific start or stop times, so your activities can be fluidly scheduled into a section of the day rather than specific hours of the day.

You can print out individual daily routines for each child, or you can use one for the whole family.

daily routine for printable homeschool planner on desk with coffee

Weekly Routines

weekly homeschool routine with morning, afternoon, evening slots for monday through friday. free printable schedule for multiple kids and family in pink, blue, and yellow Similar to the daily routines, this page accomplishes the same thing but over the whole week.

If your child likes to know what’s coming for the entire week rather than just having the day laid out, you may opt for this routine schedule.

This also works nicely when you know you have different things to add in such as co-ops, extra curriculars, and appointments.

weekly routine homeschool planner PDF download

Daily To-Do List

daily homeschool to do list in pink blue yellow free printable planner for multiple kids and families I specifically like the daily to-do list when it comes to writing down daily assignments for your kids.

Sometimes, it helps when a child can see exactly what they need to accomplish for the day. 

You can also use this for chores and other things a child might need to get done before they get screen time, free time, etc.

These pages have a dotted line so you can create a nice slim list, with 2 per page.

daily to do list homeschool planner in pink on desk with roses and candle

Weekly To-Do List

Weekly Homeschool to-do list for monday through friday. free printable planner for kids and family in yellow, pink, and blue I like weekly to-do lists from an organizational purpose, whether for kids or for mom!

If you know you have certain projects or goals that need to be completed by the end of the week, this is a nice place to schedule them in to get done.

It might be phone calls or errands or house projects for mom. For kids, it might cleaning out their toys, a book report, or a science project.

And FYI: check marks have been added to these pages! 

You are free to print these out and use them in the way you seem best! Print a few pages or print them out – whatever serves your family best.

To get this free homeschool schedule planner template printable, just fill out the box at the VERY end of the post!

weekly routine on clipboard with mint green office supplies for printable homeschool planner

More Back to School Resources & Printables

I have more things on the blog that you might find helpful for back-to-school – such as this post with 30 ideas for back-to-school home organization, including command centers, backpack storage, and homeschool stations!

You can also get these printable back-to-school Scripture-based prayer cards for free as well! Yes, even homeschool kids need Scripture prayed over them daily!

Homeschooling is a smidge different when it comes to back-to-school, compared to public or private schools, but here are some more fabulous resources you can look through to see if they are helpful for your school year!

I’ve teamed up with really talented bloggers to share these back-to-school printables with you for free!

back to school free printable collage with coloring pages, book covers, activity pages, planners, bookmarks more


More Free Organizational Printables

If you like printables  to keep you organized, you might enjoy these posts:

Minimalist Full Planner Free Printable (+ Clipboard Family Command Center DIY!)

21 Free Printables to Help You Organize Your Life and Home

Summer Schedule for Kids Printable

Family Summer Planner Printable

Get your Free Homeschool Schedule Planner Printable Here!

Don’t forget to grab the homeschool weekly and daily schedule template! To get all 18 pages, just fill out the box below and you’ll be immediately redirected to the download!  



If you use any of these ideas, I’d love to see them! Tag me on Instagram@100affections, and I’ll share it in my stories!

Other thoughts? I’d love to hear them! Leave a comment below!


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    1. I’m so glad you found it helpful, Elizabeth! Homeschooling isn’t for the faint of heart! Best in your homeschooling journey! 🙂

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