35 Healthy and Delicious Holiday Dessert Recipes {All Clean or Paleo}

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Are you hoping to make it through the holidays without packing on a few extra pounds?  These Healthy and Delicious Christmas Dessert Recipes can help! You can still enjoy the yummy treats while still keeping an eye on your waistline!  All recipes are either clean or Paleo!

Yes, Skinny Desserts for Christmas!

For years and years, the holidays have always meant disaster for me, as far as being healthy goes.  There were so many events and parties and candy gifts – there was just no avoiding it. I always found a way to justify eating these desserts.  Come January, every piece of clothing I owned felt tight, and I felt awful. And of course, bust out the New Year’s Resolutions on January 1.

It doesn’t have to be that way.  With some proactive planning, you really can have your cake and eat it, too – as long as it’s healthy!  The holiday recipes below give you so many options for delicious treats to enjoy.  All recipes are either Paleo or clean.  Of course, there is such a thing as overdoing it – even with healthy recipes – but if you’re going to splurge a little over the holidays (and most of us are), this is the way to go.

These are perfect for events, parties, and holidays you are hosting – for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I’m sure no one will miss any of the usual unhealthy ingredients!

*** Keep in mind: these are DESSERT recipes, not cookie recipes. I have a whole separate post for that! 🙂  30″I Can’t Believe They’re Paleo” Christmas Cookie Recipes

35 Healthy and Delicious Holiday Dessert Recipes {All Clean or Paleo}

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Don’t these look amazing?!?  So hard to believe that they are made from whole, clean healthy ingredients.  And doesn’t it feel better knowing you are serving your family and friends the good stuff?

And if you really want to try something fun for the holiday, how about a dessert dip charcuterie board? This post shows you exactly how to put one together, and right here you can find 30 healthier versions of your favorite dessert dips!

Which ones look the best to you?  If you try any, please let me know how it turned out. Tag me on Instagram @100affections or leave a comment on Pinterest!!

More Christmas Inspiration

Have little ones you need to shop for?  Check out this Holiday Shopping Guide for Mobile Babies – 9 -22+ Months and Holiday Shopping Guide for Toddler Boys, Ages 2 & 3

Want some inspiration for decorating? Try 30 Rustic Farmhouse Christmas Decorating Ideas

How about some Christmas DIY projects? Look at 30 Rustic Farmhouse DIY Christmas Projects

Want to save money by making gifts instead? See these 29 DIY Mason Jar Gift Ideas



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  1. I am so thankful for this list! I love to bake and girlfriends over, especially at Christmas, but I have Paleo friends that I just don’t know how to serve in this way. These desserts look delicious and will satisfy a sweet tooth while keeping within their diet limitations! Yay!

    1. That’s awesome!!!! I am so glad this is practical! They look so amazing – I am definitely making some for my non-paleo friends – they will NOT know the difference, I’m sure! 🙂 Let me know how they work out!

    1. Thanks for putting your recipes out there, Rashele! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate bloggers who go through so much trouble to create healthy recipes and share them! Lifesaver!!! 🙂 Super grateful! 🙂

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