35+ Completely Precious Mother’s Day Crafts for Toddlers

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If you have toddler (or several) in your life and need adorable ideas for handmade gifts for Mother’s Day, keep reading! Here are the best ideas that are age appropriate for 2-4 year olds and can easily be made in daycare, preschool, Sunday School, or at home!

The Uniqueness of Toddler Mother’s Day Crafts

If you’ve ever had toddlers in your life, you know what adorable bundles of joy they are.

But let’s be honest.

It can be frustrating because they are learning so many new skills, developing communication – and it can be challenging because they haven’t mastered these milestones yet.

They do not mean to give you a hard time; usually, they are just struggling a little.

Factor in that you’d like to help them create homemade Mother’s Day gifts … and it just may feel like you’re a glutton for punishment.

But honestly, if you go in with the right expectations, you can make this a whole lot easier for everyone.

mother's day crafts for toddlers pin collage

The Best Way to Approach DIY Mother’s Day Gifts with 2 and 3 Year Olds

While I can provide all the cute Mother’s Day crafts, it’s really the mindset that will make this a success. Here are a few things to keep in mind when working with younger children:

1| The craft will not be a stunning work of art.

It’s best to reduce expectations that the end result will look like a professional masterpiece. It’s going to look like it was created by a toddler. And that’s OK!

Because that’s who mama loves. Unless an adult really jumps in to clean it up and make it look “pretty” (which is fine, too!), it’s probably not going to look that aesthetically pleasing.

2| Choose your own mess factor.

Toddlers are messy little creatures. The degree of the mess you want to get involved in is up to you.

Do you want to include paint (instantly increasing the mess factor)? Do you want to do the cutting ahead of time or let them? How much do you want to prepare ahead of time and just let the toddler be a part of easy assembly?

It’s good to know how much you want them to do independently and where they will need a little help (or more).

There’s no right or wrong choice – just know what you’re up for and how much patience you have.

3| Fingerprint, thumbprint, handprint gifts are often easiest and super-adorable.

As you scroll through here, you’ll see LOTS of options for thumbprint or handprint crafts (also finger and footprint).

These are so popular because they are not only so stinkin’ adorable but because they are super-easy to make with toddlers.

Toddlers can’t write yet and their skills are somewhat questionable at this age, but crafts that involve tracing hands and stamping thumbprints are super-cute, very easy, and not overly messy.

As a mom of twins who had a heck-of-a-time in the toddler stage, I’m always a fan of easy craft ideas. 

4| Free printables are your friends.

Many DIY gift ideas for toddlers incorporate free printables, whether it’s a poem, a template, a traceable, or a coloring sheet.

Those can be so very helpful, and often, you can use one of those, place it in a frame, and you have a really sweet gift.

5| Adjust projects for skill level.

The projects you see are geared for toddlers, but many can also be modified so older siblings can join as well. Or, they can be simplified if they seem too advanced for the child’s age.

These crafts are very adaptable, so feel free to adjust for the toddler you’re helping out or for the other younger kids who may be present!

35 Easy Mothers’ Day Crafts

OK, let’s take a look at all kinds of inspirational ways to wish mom a Happy Mother’s Day!

Craft Supplies

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Most of these simple projects use your basic craft supplies, but here are few things you may want to have on hand:

Air Dry Clay

Construction Paper

Child Friendly Scissors

Washable Color Paint

Paint Pens for Kids

Paint Sticks

Pipe Cleaners, Pom Poms and Googly Eyes

Assorted Buttons for Kids

Glue Sticks

Picture Frames for Kid Crafts

Popsicle Sticks




More DIY Mother’s Day Crafts & Gifts

If you need a few more ideas for Mother’s Day, take a look at these posts that have simple projects, easy Mother’s Day cards and gifts using free printables, and other Mother’s Day gift ideas!

Pretty {& Free!} Printable Mother’s Day Bookmarks

Adorable Handprint Craft for Grandma Free Printable Template

30 Mother’s Day Crafts for Grandma

25 Easy Free Printable Mother’s Day Crafts (Cards & Gifts She’ll Love!)

Unique & Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Moms: What They REALLY Want

I also have some printables in my Etsy shop – click on the image below to be redirected!

Mother's Day Printable Tag Her Children Rise Up Happy image 1

Mother’s Day Gift Tags and Cards


rise up and call her blessed

Wall Art Printable for Moms

If you create any of these projects, I’d love to see them! Please share a picture and tag me on Instagram or Pinterest! I’d love to hear what your favorite Mother’s Day crafts are!

Other thoughts? I’d love to hear them! Leave a comment below!

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